What is PFAS?

  • PFAS stands for per and poly fluoroalkyl substances, which are manufactured chemicals used in products that resist heat, oil, stains and water.

  • In the past, firefighting foams containing PFAS were used by Airservices and other organisations due to their effectiveness in fighting liquid fuel fires.

  • Airservices began transitioning away from PFAS-containing foams in the early 2000s after becoming aware of potential environment impacts.

  • Airservices has been using PFAS-free foam at Cairns Airport since 2010. Airservices is Federal Government agency and PFAS remediation is their responsibility.


How does PFAS affect Cairns Airport?

  • As with many airports around Australia, traces of PFAS have been detected in sites on and adjacent to Cairns Airport.
  • Airservices has conducted site investigations at Cairns Airport, including sampling of soil, groundwater and surface water. Airservices is due to finalise a detailed site investigation in 2025.
  • Cairns Airport commissioned and funded our own independent assessment, which tested samples from some fish species at Middle Creek near Cairns Airport.
  • We received this report in February 2024. It shows low levels of PFAS were detected in some fish from the creek.
  • Cairns Airport shared this report with Queensland Health. Queensland Health has reiterated that fish is an important part of a healthy diet and should come from a variety of sources.

  • Queensland Health have advised: “Proactive messaging is not recommended at this stage based on the data available for Middle Creek.”

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How is Cairns Airport managing PFAS?

  • Cairns Airport manages PFAS in accordance with the National Environmental Management Plan and follows guidelines from the Department of Environment and Science (DES), including for construction and development activities.

  • We conduct our own PFAS sampling, in conjunction with and subject matter experts and Traditional Owners. These results are shared with Airservices and other relevant agencies. Testing is also undertaken as part of our regular internal General Environmental Monitoring, and baseline contamination assessments are conducted prior to any development or lease renewal.

  • Cairns Airport is committed to transparent communication, guided by information provided by Airservices and Queensland Health. A community information session, led by Airservices and Queensland Health, is expected after the detailed site investigation report is released.

  • In August 2024, the Federal Government established a Select Committee on PFAS to enquire into the extent, regulation and management of PFAS. We have called on the Select Committee to support expedited and coordinated government action to remedy PFAS effects caused by Airservices Australia. 

For more information (Source: Airservices)

- Airservices reports for Cairns Airport are available here.

- Visit pfas.gov.au find out more about the Australian Government’s approach to PFAS

- Australian Government Department of Health

- The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has developed the PFAS National Environmental Management Plan

- Information about PFAS in Queensland is available from the Queensland Government