Cairns Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group 

Cairns Airport is seeking nominations for its Community Aviation Consultation Group (CACG). The purpose of the CACG is to ensure representation of communities affected by airport development or operations.

We currently require a representative from each of the following areas: 

  • Cairns City/Cairns North 

  • Aeroglen 

  • Yorkeys Knob

  • Holloways Beach 

  • Trinity Beach

  • Clifton Beach 

 The intended role of the Cairns Airport CACG is: 

  • to enable airport operators, local residents, authorities and other interested parties to exchange information on issues relating to airport operations 

  • to allow matters to be raised and considered by Cairns Airport (the operator), with a genuine desire to resolve issues that may emerge 

  • to discuss and share information between the airport and communities affected by its operations and plans 

Please note: 

The Cairns Airport CACG is aimed at facilitating well-informed and collaborative discussions on a wide range of matters. Cairns Airport give serious consideration to recommendations made by the CACG, particularly in relation to planning and development. 

The CACG is one avenue through which matters can be raised and does not replace other feedback mechanisms established by the operator or authorities (such as the handling of aircraft noise complaints by Airservices Australia and Cairns Regional Council). 

The Cairns Airport CACG is neither an arbitration nor a decision-making body and meetings will not be allowed to be dominated by a single topic or individual member. 

Terms of Reference  

The Cairns Airport CACG Terms of Reference include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • impacts of existing development and operations 

  • plans for future development  

  • proposals to increase or change aviation services 

  • noise (including aircraft noise) and environmental issues 

  • ground transport and access issues 

  • access issues for passengers, including people with disabilities 

  • planning, regulatory, and policy changes affecting the airport 

  • improvements or changes to airport facilities 

  • airport procedures for effective complaints-handling 

  • reports from Airservices Australia and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority on issues affecting the community 

  • the contribution of the airport to the local, regional and national economy; and 

  • strategies to ensure the broad community is informed of issues discussed in the CACG 

Composition and Business  

The Cairns Airport CACG meets three times per year.  

The constitution and procedural arrangements adopted by the Cairns Airport CACG are reviewed on an annual basis and are as per the published constitution available on the Cairns Airport website. 


Selection and appointment of CACG members is undertaken by Cairns Airport and the CACG chair, in consultation with elected representatives, residents’ groups and other relevant stakeholders. 

The size and membership of the Cairns Airport CACG is to ensure the committee is manageable and sufficient to achieve its objectives. Membership of the Cairns Airport CACG includes persons who can contribute views representative of: 

  • aviation services and operators at the airport 

  • community organisations, resident groups or individuals 

  • representatives from state, territory or local government bodies 


Cairns Airport provides resources and secretariat support for the CACG.  

Duties attached to the secretariat will include:  

  • communication of relevant materials, including framework documents such as procedural arrangements and terms of reference 

  • preparation, distribution and publication of records of CACG meetings 

  • preparation and distribution of meeting agendas 

  • ensuring that CACG members are notified of meetings and given opportunity to prepare  

  • supporting the activities of the chair, as required 

  • coordinating input to assist the CACG on policy, technical and other support issues, where agreed 

  • maintaining comprehensive records of the business and activities of the CACG