Cairns Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group
Cairns Airport is seeking nominations for its Community Aviation Consultation Group (CACG). The purpose of the CACG is to ensure representation of communities affected by airport development or operations.
We currently require a representative from each of the following areas:
Cairns City/Cairns North
Clifton Beach
The intended role of the Cairns Airport CACG is:
to enable airport operators, local residents, authorities and other interested parties to exchange information on issues relating to airport operations
to allow matters to be raised and considered by Cairns Airport (the operator), with a genuine desire to resolve issues that may emerge
to discuss and share information between the airport and communities affected by its operations and plans
Please note:
The Cairns Airport CACG is aimed at facilitating well-informed and collaborative discussions on a wide range of matters. Cairns Airport gives serious consideration to recommendations made by the CACG, particularly in relation to planning and development.
The CACG is one avenue through which matters can be raised and does not replace other feedback mechanisms established by the operator or authorities (such as the handling of aircraft noise complaints by Air Services Australia and Cairns Regional Council).
The Cairns Airport CACG is neither an arbitration nor a decision-making body and meetings will not be allowed to be dominated by a single topic or individual member.
Terms of Reference
The Cairns Airport CACG Terms of Reference include, but are not limited to, the following:
impacts of existing development and operations
plans for future development
proposals to increase or change aviation services
noise (including aircraft noise) and environmental issues
ground transport and access issues
access issues for passengers, including people with disabilities
planning, regulatory, and policy changes affecting the airport
improvements or changes to airport facilities
airport procedures for effective complaints-handling
reports from Air Services Australia and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority on issues affecting the community
the contribution of the airport to the local, regional and national economy; and
strategies to ensure the broad community is informed of issues discussed in the CACG
The CACG will be chaired by an independent Chairperson who will be endorsed by the CACG for a term of three years.
Cairns Airport (CA) will initially engage an appropriate person for the role for a two year period. For subsequent appointments, CA will make a recommendation on appropriate candidates for the Chairperson’s role and, where appropriate, the CACG will be involved in the selection process.
The Chair’s role is to:
Ensure effective discussion and participation by the Group members on the agenda items;
Ensure adequate discussion time is devoted to issues of significance;
Allow for discussion of unanticipated ‘other business’ at meetings;
Ensure agenda materials and papers are meaningful and facilitate respectful, open and effective engagement of members in discussions;
Encourage open discussion and a frank and respectful exchange of views; and
Monitor effective follow-up of action items.
The Chair will disclose any interests, arrangements or associations to the CACG which may be perceived as, or be an actual, conflict of interest.
Secretariat Role
CA will appoint a secretary who will be responsible for the following:
Assist to prepare and disseminate the agenda and papers for each meeting;
- Prepare and maintain a true and accurate record of each meeting;
- Circulate minutes to the CACG members within 21 days of meeting date;
- Communicate and coordinate meetings with the Group members and the stakeholders;
- Support the administrative functions of the Group and the activities of the Chair as required.
Role of Airport Management
CA representatives will centrally coordinate and participate in each meeting.
The CACG will meet three times per year at the Airport’s offices until otherwise notified.
A quorum for each meeting shall be four members comprising of at least one representative from each of the following groups at each meeting:
I. Community representatives II. Government representatives (CRC, AsA) III. Industry representatives (Airlines, operators or Cairns Airport) |
Relevant members of the CACG must provide the Chairperson with information on, and/or action taken on outcomes from a meeting at least ten (10) working days prior to the next CACG meeting.
This information will be copied to CACG members together with the agenda for the next CACG meeting.
Membership is open to:
- community representatives being one elected resident from each of the seven regions (Cairns City/North, Aeroglen, Holloways Beach, Yorkeys Knob, Trinity Beach, Machans Beach and Clifton Beach) affected by airport operations
- government and industry representatives being one elected representative from the Regular Transport Operators and General Aviation, Cairns Regional Council, Air Services Australia.
- Cairns Airport representatives.
CA will advertise for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for membership in local newspapers and will advertise on airport for airport user representatives via existing consultation group meetings.
The Chairperson may invite other persons on an ad hoc basis to address the Group on particular agenda items.
Appointments of new representatives to the Group will be by endorsement of the CACG. Appointments will be for an initial period of two (2) years, commencing at the first meeting and will be subject to renewal at the end of that period, unless determined at an earlier date by agreement.
Scope of Powers
The CACG will be for consultation purposes only and is not a decision-making body (as stipulated in the Aviation White Paper). The CACG is an independent forum representative of the community for the exchange of information related to airport activity.
A proxy is a stand-in for a representative member unable to attend and shall fulfil the function ordinarily incumbent to that member.
Representative proxies endorsed by the committee will be invited to attend meetings; however their attendance will be optional. Proxies can confer with their community representative, however they are unable to address the committee, unless their community representative is absent from the meeting.
Proxy appointments will be reviewed annually in the first quarter of each calendar year.
Communication of CACG Activity and Outcomes
CA will provide information about the CACG on the website – Cairns Airport and the Chairperson (as appropriate) will make any official comment on the conduct and outcomes of the CACG,
subject to CA approval.
The CACG will establish strategies to inform the broader community of major issues as required.
Review of Terms of Reference
The CACG Terms of Reference (TOR) will be reviewed every three years in line with the Chairperson’s appointment. CA will be responsible for drafting the Terms of Reference.