Cairns Airport aims to continuously develop, improve and implement aircraft noise initiatives that enhance the sustainability of airport operations and address the community interests by minimising noise impacts and the number of noise affected persons.

There has been an enormous amount of research undertaken into what creates aircraft noise annoyance and how it can be effectively measured, monitored, managed and improved.

Cairns Airport has developed mechanisms for managing aircraft noise including but not limited to:

  • Airport Environmental Consultative Committee
  • Noise Abatement Procedures
  • Aircraft Noise Exposure Patterns
  • Aircraft Noise Fact Sheets
  • Operational Procedures and Guidelines
  • Helicopter Fly Neighbourly Procedure
  • Ground Running Procedures and Guidelines


The Cairns Community Aviation Consultation Group (CACG) meets every three months and provides a forum for meaningful dialogue between Cairns Airport, Airservices Australian, Airline representatives, local community representatives, local government and other stakeholders to address environmental issues which are of concern.

The CACG is the primary mechanism for actively engaging the community in regards to environmental issues associated with Cairns Airport.

If you wish to raise an issue for discussion at the Airport Environmental Consultative Committee please contact your community representative or email

Click here for the CACG Terms of Reference

Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF)

It is Australian Government policy that the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) contours and the associated land use compatibility advice be used as the land use planning criteria around Australian airports. ANEF plans indicate the anticipated noise contours for the most likely or preferred development and forecasts for an airport.

The ANEF is a central component of the Australian Standard 2021 that provides standards regarding land use planning in the vicinity of airports. The ANEF system has been used in the development of the Cairns Regional Council’s Town Planning Scheme – CairnsPlan2016 and is relied upon by Council in planning decisions.

ANEF is a computer generated forecast based on:

  • Expected aircraft movements
  • Aircraft types
  • Daily distribution by time period of arrivals and departures
  • Runway configuration

Further information on the ANEF is available from The Department of Infrastructure 

Making a Noise Complaint

The volume, type and location of aircraft noise is dependent upon a multitude of factors including demographics, weather conditions, schedules and ad hoc operations.

Complaints relating to aircraft noise, other than noise generated by aircraft undertaking ground running of engines, can be made directly to Airservices Australia’s Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) via their 24 hour/7 day per week online complaints form.

Cairns Airport is responsible for all noise complaints generated by aircraft undertaking ground running of engines. Complaints relating to this type of noise can be forwarded to

Aircraft noise complaints and issues are discussed with community representatives at the quarterly Airport Environmental Consultative Committee meetings.

For more information visit Air Services Australia's Information page here

Fact Sheets

Airservices Australia has produced a series of Factsheets that explain key issues related to aircraft noise. 

In addition, the Australian Airports Association, of which Cairns Airport is a longstanding member, has teamed up with Airservices to publish - a resourceful website that provides information on the causes of aircraft noise, how the industry is working together to manage it and what people can do to reduce its impacts.